Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch
Must register before March 6th, 2025
Standard tuition of $300 which includes $55 textbook used in all 5 classes
Instructor: Susan Kuske, RN, BSN, CHTP/1
Contact Information: Phone 651-252-1753 email: 1susankuske@gmail.com
This is a hands-on, dynamic class for anyone who is curious about Energy Therapy. Nurses, massage therapists, chaplains and other health care professionals: earn CE’s plus learn another method to help others!
Healing Touch, holistic, eveidence-based techniques that enhances the body’s natrual ability to heal by working with the human energy system (closely related to the nervous system). These can be used for your self-care and with others in feeling calm, having more energy, better focus, and the potential for pain relief.