HBB Course 1
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch
Cost is $300 which includes textbook
Instructor: Sue Peck, PhD,m GNP-BC, APNP, FAAO, APT, HTP/I
Contact Information: Phone 715-225-4679 OR email pecksd@uwec.edu

HBB Course 1
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch
Must register before March 6th, 2025
Standard tuition of $300 which includes $55 textbook used in all 5 classes
Instructor: Susan Kuske, RN, BSN, CHTP/1
Contact Information: Phone 651-252-1753 email: 1susankuske@gmail.com
This is a hands-on, dynamic class for anyone who is curious about Energy Therapy. Nurses, massage therapists, chaplains and other health care professionals: earn CE’s plus learn another method to help others!
Healing Touch, holistic, eveidence-based techniques that enhances the body’s natrual ability to heal by working with the human energy system (closely related to the nervous system). These can be used for your self-care and with others in feeling calm, having more energy, better focus, and the potential for pain relief.

HBB Course 1
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch Virtual
This Course is a three day virtual course. Thursday 1/23/25 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm, Saturday 1/25/25 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Sunday 1/26/25 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Cost is $300 which includes textbook
Instructor: Susan Kuske, RN, BSN, CHTP/1
Contact Information: Phone 651-252-1753 email: 1susankuske@gmail.com

HBB Course 3
Healing Beyond Borders Course 3: Advance Healer Preparation
See the HBB website for more details
Instructor: Carol Schoenecker
Class Coordinator: Tracie Kapaun
Contact Information: email: tkapaun69@gmail.com

HBB Course 1
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch Virtual
Cost is $300 which includes textbook
Instructor: Susan Kuske, RN, BSN, CHTP/1
Contact Information: Phone 651-252-1753 email: 1susankuske@gmail.com

HBB Course 1 Virtual
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch Virtual
This Course is a three day virtual course. Thursday 1/23/25 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm, Saturday 1/25/25 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Sunday 1/26/25 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Cost is $230, must also purchase $55 textbook
Instructor: Susan Kuske, RN, BSN, CHTP/1
Contact Information: Phone 651-252-1753 email: 1susankuske@gmail.com

HBB Course 1 Virtual
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch Virtual
This Course is a three day virtual course. Thursday 1/23/25 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm, Saturday 1/25/25 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Sunday 1/26/25 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Cost is $230, must also purchase $55 textbook
Instructor: Susan Kuske, RN, BSN, CHTP/1
Contact Information: Phone 651-252-1753 email: 1susankuske@gmail.com

HBB Course 2
Healing Beyond Borders Course 2: Energetic Patterning & Clinical Applications
Instructor Sue Peck
Email: pecksd@uwec.edu OR by Phone: (715) 225-4679

HBB Course 1
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch
Instructor Stacey Quade
Email: stacey@energyforlifeconnection.com or download a brochure off of the website at www.energyforlifeconnection.com

HBB Course 3
Healing Beyond Borders Course 3: Advance Healer Preparation
Instructor Dana Spates
Email: pecksd@uwec.edu OR by Phone: (715) 225-4679

HBB Course 1
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch
To contact instructor see Healingbeyondborders.org for details or contact directly for brochure
Email: 1susankuske@gmail.com OR Phone: 651-252-1753

HBB Course 2
Healing Beyond Borders Course 2: Energetic Patterns and Clinical Application
Prerequisite is Course 1
To contact instructor see Healingbeyondborders.org for details or contact directly for brouchure
Email: 1susankuske@gmail.com OR Phone: 651-252-1753

HBB Course 1
Healing Beyond Borders Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch
Instructor Sue Peck
Email: pecksd@uwec.edu OR by Phone: (715) 225-4679

Healing Touch Practice Group
This is a monthly Healing Touch Practice Group
Mets 3rd Thursday of the month
Contact Debra Andazola by email: debrahealingtouch@gmail.com OR phone:715-245-0440

Healing Touch Practice Group
This is a monthly Healing Touch Practice Group
Mets 3rd Thursday of the month
Contact Debra Andazola by email: debrahealingtouch@gmail.com OR phone:715-245-0440

Healing Touch Practice Group
This is a monthly Healing Touch Practice Group
Mets 3rd Thursday of the month
Contact Debra Andazola by email: debrahealingtouch@gmail.com OR phone:715-245-0440

Healing Touch Practice Group
This is a Monthly Healing Touch Practice Group
Meets 3rd Thursday of the month
Contact Debra Andazola by email: debrahealingtouch@gmail.com OR phone:715-245-0440

HBB Course 2
Energetic Patterning and Clinical Applications 2
Instructor: Stacey Quade
Register by emailing stacey@energyforlifeconncetion.com or (218) 5912104 for details and brochure; download registration brochure at www.energyforlifeconnection.com
Register for both the February 24 - 25, 2024 Course 1 and May 18 -19, 2024 Course 2 and receive $25.00 off of total tuition

HBB Course 1
Foundations of Healing Touch 1
Instructor: Stacey Quade
Register by emailing stacey@energyforlifeconncetion.com or (218) 5912104 for details and brochure; download registration brochure at www.energyforlifeconnection.com
Register for both the February 24 - 25, 2024 Course 1 and May 18 -19, 2024 Course 2 and receive $25.00 off of total tuition

Reaching For The Light: New Dimensions For Healing Touch Practice
Target Audience/Class Description:
“Reaching for the Light” was developed for Healing Touch students and certified practitioners to attain a higher vibration through light mediations and assessment skills.
Contact Jackie Mielke (952) 473-9378 or Jackie@jackiemielke.com

Advanced Use Of The Pendulum
Advanced Use Of The Pedulum
This workshop is for those with basic pendulum assessment skills.
Prerequisite - Level/Course 1 Healing Touch
Contact Jackie Mielke (952) 473-9378 or Jackie@jackiemeilke.com

HBB Course 1
Foundations of Healing Touch 1
Instructor: Stacey Quade
Register by emailing stacey@energyforlifeconncetion.com or (218) 5912104 for details and brochure

HBB Course 1
Foundations for Healing Touch Course 1
Instructor: Susan Kuske
Register by emailing 1susankuske@gmail.com or (651) 252-1753 for details and brochure

HBB Course 2
Energetic Patterning and Clinical Applications 2
Instructor: Stacey Quade
Register by emailing stacey@energyforlifeconncetion.com or (218) 591-2104 for details and brochure

HBB Course 3
Advanced Healer Preparation Course 3
Instructor: Carol Schoenecker
Regsiter by emailing Tracie Kapaun at tkapaun69@gmail.com or by calling 612-296-4544

HBB Course 1
Foundations of Healing Touch Course 1
Instructor: Susan Kuske
Register by emailing 1susankuske@gmail.com or calling (651) 252-1753 for details and brochure

Intro to Energy Medicine
Introduction to Energy Medicine.
Instructors: Debra & Jeanette Andazola

Introduction to Energy Medicine
Introduction to Energy Medicine
Instructors : Debra & Jeanette Andazola

HBB Course 1
Saturday, December 10, 2022 8:30 AM - Sunday, December 11, 2022 6:00 PM
HBB Course 1
Baxter, MN
Instructor: Dana Spates