Volunteer on a Committee here.

Each Committee is run by one of our Volunteer Board Members. Please fill out the following information to help us direct your application to the correct Committee Chair.

We appreciate your help with this community!


This Volunteer position helps out the Board members AT the Gathering.

The volunteer will assist in set-up and/or take-down of decorations and help clean up.

Friendly demeanor and ability to follow directions are required.

Event Photographers

This Volunteer position helps out the Board members AT the Gathering.

The volunteer will assist in taking photos throughout their own experience during the breaks at the gathering.

Smart phone with quality Camera function or quality camera with ability to upload and send photos is a must. Knowledge of your own device appreciated.


This Volunteer position helps out the Board members AT the Gathering.

The volunteer will assist in checking in registered attendees or directing those still needing to register at the front entrance.

Friendly demeanor is a must. Keeping grounded and centered under stress & chaos appreciated.

Social Media

This volunteer position is to assist the board outside of the Gathering. It is a year-round position.

Primary responsibilities will include posting, tagging, and general media presence.

Knowledge of common social media platforms a must. Requires an ownership of computer, tablet, or smartphone.


This position will help us AT the Gathering. The position will serve as a liaison between the Vendors and Board members.

Friendly demeanor and great people skills required.


If you have a specialty knowledge such as; IT, Accounting, Marketing, Law, etc. Please let us know!